How to make rock corner posts
This last summer we tried a fun new way to make corner posts. I don't think it took any longer than the corner posts that you dig three...

Zestar, Irish Dexter
Zestar is an Irish Dexter calf that was born in the spring of 2017. She has been the nicest looking calf born on this farm! For whatever...

Daisy the Beagle Farm Dog
This post is in remembrance of one of the best beagle farm dogs that ever lived. We brought Daisy home on December 17th, 2001. She roamed...

Working Together On The Farm
Working together as a family is definitely a work in progress! It is a tough thing to accomplish some days. We have not arrived at our...

Honey Crisp, Irish Dexter cow
This is Honey Crisp, registration number is 039299. She is one beautiful cow. She has nice hooves and a nice top line. She has a gentle...

Why I like Irish Dexter cows
We bought our first milk cow in 2013 and have been thrilled to own such an amazing breed of cattle known as Irish Dexter's. We had known...

How to move pigs
Here is my disclaimer. We have a breed of pig that is smaller and easier to work with. We raise American Guinea Hogs. They are naturally...

How to get a hen to sit on eggs
I really like the idea of a hen choosing to sit on a clutch of eggs to hatch into chicks. It took me a few years to get the right...

How to prepare gardens with pigs
These 2 piglets named Ham and Bacon were the first batch of pigs that we grew. We had no idea what we were doing. We learned a few...

Homemade Yogurt
When we have extra raw milk in our fridge, we make yogurt. It's not hard to do. This is how I make it. Small Batch Yogurt 4 cups whole,...