Daisy the Beagle Farm Dog

This post is in remembrance of one of the best beagle farm dogs that ever lived. We brought Daisy home on December 17th, 2001. She roamed this farm like she was the boss! It was her, against the wild animals! She made sure no one messed with her farm critters. She didn't allow the deer to come into the yard and for sure, made sure they did not go into the garden. She was also known to herd the baby chicks so they wouldn't get too far from the Mama Hen.

She was amazing to have around. She knew her place was on the farm, when we came home, she always greeted us but rarely stopped for long, she always had more important things to do.

We feel blessed to have a family dog that lived past the age of 16 years. Our kids have such good memories of Daisy. We lost Daisy in the late fall of 2017.

It was the last day before the winter set in. Thankfully, Farm Guy was home for the day to work on a project that we were trying to button up before winter. It's easier to go through a hard-ship when your other half is around.

We were afraid that she would suffer towards the end of her life but thankfully, she never seemed to be in pain. She roamed this farm down to her last day. I wish I had known what day was going to be her last, I would have said goodbye and made sure she knew how much I loved having her all these years.

We chose a favorite place of our family's to place her, under a beautiful oak tree that is in the middle of the field. This tree ,when it has its summer clothes, always seems to glisten when the sun is out. Good Job little Doggie!