Building Our First Hen House

I believe that one of the first steps for us on our homesteading journey was building our chicken coop. Actually maybe the first step was being at a friend's house and she cooked me a fresh egg. I could not believe it was an egg! Is this an egg? How can this be an egg? I felt cheated. I lived into my late 20's and had no idea that eggs were supposed to taste like this! Has anybody else had this experience, besides me?

We built our chicken coop in 2008. Sometimes you just have these idea's where you have no clue what you are doing. You have no idea how it's all going to work out. But you just go for it!
We had 4 little kids when we built our chicken coop, with the little cute fella, in the picture being our oldest. Need I say? Life was busy!

I am posting these pictures in case you are thinking of building your own dreams. Maybe you know you aren't living your full potential and you are just living. I used to want just a nice house, a nice yard and a nice car. I had no idea what I was missing. I was missing the dream of having new farm babies born in the spring. Missing out on growing our own food! Missing out on the satisfaction of a long day's work outside! I know that working together as a family has been so good for us. Each new day that the Good Lord blesses us with is an adventure! As I write this, there is a new Dexter calf that was just born an hour ago. New life! Spring has started early for this farm!

In order for us to have land, we had to live in cheap living for a while. We bought a trailer house and stuck it smack dab in the middle of the field! I say, do what it takes, to achieve those dreams, just not with a credit card! Maybe your health would be better if you had fresh food. Maybe your family needs to learn how to work together. We were created to dream, work and achieve! Your life has bigger worth than gaming! Get some fresh air!

Farm Guy has improved his health from getting fresh air, having to work hard, and eating the food that he has raised! My health has improved because of all those things, plus I have more purpose to my day's! What needs to be planted, checked on, cleaned up, or harvested? What animal needs better care? What we do each day affects us for the better or the worse!

What a sweet picture this bottom picture is. Enough said!

What shall I return to the LORD for all his goodness to me?
Psalm 116:12